Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How To Solve A Rubik's Cube Step By Step

Step 1: White CrossYou should be able to complete this step just by playing around with the cube. Make sure that the edges of the cross match the center squares on the adjacent sides.
Step 2: Finish First Layer

Step 3: Middle LayerYou may need to move some middle-layer edge pieces from the top layer. Follow the patterns below to get these pieces in the right places.
Rubik's - Middle LayerBusiness Insider
Step 4: Top CornersTo get the corners in the right place, you can use this pattern to swap corners until all four corners are in the right location. At this stage, they do not need to be facing the right way.
Rubik's Swap CornersBusiness Insider
To orient corners use a combination of the patterns below. The first will turn the faces of three corners clockwise. The next will turn the faces of three faces counter-clockwise.
Rubik's ClockwiseBusiness Insider
Step 5: Top Layer Edges In The Right PlaceMake sure all the edges are in the right location. Do not worry if they are facing the wrong way. Use a combination of the patterns below to move these edge pieces.
Rubik's Permute EdgesBusiness Insider

Step 6: Top Layer Edges Facing The Right WayUse either of the patterns below or a combination to orient these edge pieces correctly.
Rubik's Final Layer Edges

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